Automatic Drawing

My recent post on automatic drawing prompted some experiments on my own. Automatism was practised by surrealists like Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Jean Arp and André Breton. The purpose of this technique is to evoke the creativity of the subconscious. My work is carefully planned and sometimes lacks spontaneity. Therefore automatic drawing can aid in breaking my routine and creating more expressive images.

A state of trance is usually required before one can begin automatic drawing. I closed my eyes and spun several times. With closed eyes, I drew random lines on the paper. Then I scanned and processed the image. I could distinguish feminine forms in my drawing, which I colored digitally. There is a sensual aspect that could be an expression of my subconscious. However, it could also be an acquired meaning due to the many sexualized interpretations of automatic drawings which I observed previously.

Sabina Radeva, Automatic Drawing Sketch, 2015

Sabina Radeva, Automatic Drawing Processed, 2015.

Sabina Radeva, Automatic Drawing Processed, 2015.